The Power of Time-Specific Searches

This blog post includes information provided by OpenAI’s language model

by Carl James | BLOOMINGTON, IN | Nov. 28, 2023

Selecting past year with Bing

This was I topic I wanted to discuss on this blog, but I was struggling to flesh out the words. I decided to give a couple of detailed prompts to OpenAI via Microsoft Copilot in Bing and what I got was very helpful. Interestingly I asked if I could use it and this is whet the AI told me:

"You’re welcome to use the information I provided! As an AI developed by OpenAI, I don’t require citation or credit. However, if you’d like to mention where you got the information, you could say something like “information provided by OpenAI’s language model.” Please note that while I strive for accuracy, I recommend double-checking any information I provide, especially if it’s for a published work. As for terms of service or copyright, using the information I provide in this manner should not be a violation. However, it’s always a good idea to review the terms of service of the platform you’re using to ensure compliance."

Prompt: Write a 500+ word blog entry about the advantages of specifying a short time frame, perhaps the last year, when conducting technical searches on search engines like Bing and Google.


In the rapidly evolving world of technology, staying up to date with the latest advancements is crucial. This is where search engines like Bing and Google come into play. They provide a wealth of information at our fingertips. However, the sheer volume of data available can sometimes be overwhelming. This is where specifying a short time frame, such as the last year, when conducting technical searches can be incredibly beneficial.

Relevance and Timeliness

The most significant advantage of time-specific searches is the relevance and timeliness of the information. Technology is a fast-paced industry where new developments occur frequently. By limiting your search to the last year, you ensure that you’re getting the most recent and relevant information. This is particularly important for fields like software development, where outdated information can lead to inefficient or even non-functional code.


Time-specific searches also increase efficiency. By narrowing down the search results, you can avoid sifting through pages of outdated or irrelevant information. This saves time and allows you to focus on the most pertinent details.


Another advantage is accuracy. Older articles or discussions may contain information that has since been disproven or updated. By focusing on more recent content, you’re more likely to find accurate and reliable information.

Trend Awareness

Finally, time-specific searches can help you stay aware of current trends. In the tech industry, trends can change rapidly. What was popular or cutting-edge a year ago might be outdated today. By limiting your search to the last year, you can stay on top of these shifts and ensure you’re informed about the latest trends.

In conclusion, specifying a short time frame when conducting technical searches on search engines like Bing and Google can significantly enhance the quality of your search results. It ensures relevance, increases efficiency, improves accuracy, and helps you stay on top of current trends. So, the next time you’re diving into a technical search, consider narrowing down the time frame to the last year. You might be surprised by how much it improves your search experience.

Prompt: Please write an additional paragraph targeted to non-technical people trying to figure out problems with their computer.

Not just for techies

For non-technical individuals trying to troubleshoot computer problems, time-specific searches can be a game-changer. When you encounter an issue with your computer, it’s likely that others have faced the same problem. By limiting your search to the most recent year, you’ll find solutions that are applicable to the latest software updates and hardware models. This approach can save you from the frustration of trying outdated fixes that no longer work. Plus, it can help you avoid technical jargon from older articles, making it easier to understand the steps you need to take to resolve your issue. Remember, the more recent the advice, the more likely it is to help you successfully navigate your tech troubles.

Carl James is CompTIA A+ ce Certified

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